12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (2024)

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (1)
You’ve heard of alcoholic shots, but what exactly are wellness shots and how can they benefit your health?

While some might be quick to pass these off as yet another, short-lived wellness fad, we have to admit it: these little guys pack a seriously good punch.

Wellness shots (also referred to as power shots or immunity shots) are nutrient-dense powerhouses packed into a tiny shot glass. They’re strong and concentrated, aiming to help boost your overall health in just one gulp.

While smoothies make wonderful breakfasts-on-the-go or post-workout treats, they can still take a little while to get through – especially if you’re dealing with not-so-tasty ingredients, or just have trouble tolerating the taste of veggies.

What could be more convenient than knocking back a whole smoothie’s worth of nutrition in one swift gulp? We’re yet to find anything quite so appropriate for the time-poor!

If you’re ready to embrace wellness shots in your own life, you’re in luck. We’ve rounded up the top 12 wellness shot recipes to help you start your day the healthy way.

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (2)


We all know that a balanced diet featuring fruit and vegetables is required, but some people find it hard to factor them into their every day.

This is where these healthy veggie shots and fruit chasers come in handy, as you can quickly and easily knock back your whole days’ worth of the stuff in just a few seconds. Genius!

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (3)


Several recent studies have revealed that beet juice increases exercise performance, so these natural energy shots containing beet juice are perfect for sports and exercise enthusiasts.

It also contains a number of other healthy ingredients, including cucumber, apple, and ginger. You simply press them through a juicer and you’re ready to go.

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (4)


These DIY apple cider vinegar shots are a nutrient powerhouse! They’re sugar-free and easy to make at home, making them the perfect pre-work or post-workout pick-me-up.

The best part is they can be made in three delicious flavor combinations, including orange and cranberry, orange, turmeric, and ginger, and pomegranate and lemon. Simply add water to your concoction to make it shot-ready.

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (5)


These immunity juice shots are particularly beneficial during flu season, as they help to boost your immunity and ward-off any pending cold or flu. After all, who has time for sick days?

The ingredients – carrot, ginger, lemon, garlic, and apple cider vinegar – are all full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. If you’re already sick, it’s not too late. Take this concoction and watch your recovery time speed-up!

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (6)


Zap muscle soreness and recover faster from your workouts with this refreshing post workout recovery shot!

This recipe is packed with healing and anti-inflammatory ingredients that not only taste great, but help reduce the amount of time you spend recovering after a particularly tough day at the gym.

They contain orange, lemon, cherries, turmeric powder, beet root powder, freshly grated ginger, and a dash of cinnamon.

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (7)


Who knew that monk fruit, lemon juice, ginger juice, liquid chlorophyll, and cayenne pepper could taste so good?

This one packs some serious heat, but once your tastebuds recover, it’s worth it for the health benefits. The recipe mentions that if you can’t find monk fruit anywhere, you can easily just leave it out.

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (8)


When you’re feeling a little run down, this healthy green drink will give you a shot of energy and help keep your immune system strong.

This green immune boosting shot has just 3 ingredients, plus Harvest Blend, a supplement which gives you about another 25 superfoods with just one helping. You’ll lose count of just how many beneficial nutrients are in this incredibly healthy wellness shot!

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (9)


This post will give you not one, but three amazing ginger power shot recipes to boost your health. The delicious combinations include lemon and ginger, carrot and ginger, and green apple and ginger.

Which one takes your fancy the most? No matter what flavor combination you prefer, one thing is for sure: these power shots will give you an instant pick-me-up, helping you feel refreshed and full of energy for the day ahead.

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (10)


If you (or someone you know) has woken up with the flu, then you’ll want to make this wellness juice shot ASAP.

It contains immune-boosting ingredients such as celery, green apple, ginger and lemon, topped with fiery cayenne pepper. It’s a wonderful natural remedy to add to your arsenal and is sure to speed-up recovery time like no other.

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (11)


If you haven’t heard about the incredible health benefits of turmeric, you’re in for a surprise. This super food is an anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, powerful antioxidant, and immunity booster, making it the perfect ingredient for a wellness shot.

For this recipe, you’ll need a few simple ingredients such as coconut water, fresh turmeric, ginger root, lemon, honey, and a pinch of sea salt. Sounds delicious!

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (12)


This 5-ingredient, 5-minute shot is just the thing you need to start your morning with (or as this post suggests, to ring-in a healthy New Year!).

It combines orange, lemon, fresh turmeric, ginger, black pepper, and extra virgin olive oil to give your health a seriously good boost. Plus, it tastes divine, thanks to naturally sweet ingredients such as orange.

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (13)


This spicy and sweet juice shot works to support good digestion and settle upset stomachs. It’s made with fresh ginger, pineapple, lemon and fennel and is a powerhouse of anti-inflammatory, stomach soothing and immune-boosting goodness.

For extra belly healing properties, try mixing in an equal amount of coconut water kefir. It’s packed full of gut-friendly probiotics!

Which Wellness Shot Will You Explore?

There you have it – our top 12 wellness shot recipes that you can use in your daily life, whether it’s as the first thing in the morning, after a workout, or the last thing at night.

Because these shots are highly concentrated with beneficial ingredients such as fruit and vegetables, they’re more easily absorbed by your body, working to instantly boost your health. They’re also much less time-consuming than sitting down to a full-sized smoothie, let alone a bowl of vegetables. After all, we’re a time-poor bunch!

Start with the wellness shot recipe that takes your fancy the most, then slowly work your way through the list to expose yourself to new flavor combination and health benefits. While one wellness shot might aim to increase energy, others are effective at aiding with post-workout recovery or healing a cold or flu.

Which wellness shot (or shots) will you be trying this weekend? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section below!

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (14)

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (15)


Melanie Clarke is the founder of Whim Online Magazine, an online magazine based in Australia that has a strong focus on whimsical + dreamy photography, as well as art and fashion content.

12 Wellness Shot Recipes to Kick Start Your Day – Happy Body Formula (2024)


Do wellness shots actually work? ›

If you can afford them, they're safe, but they aren't likely to be a cure for any ailment,” Ashley said. If you're getting enough nutrients from each food group and taking a multivitamin, wellness shots should be OK to add to your routine, but they may not be worth the hype.

Do ginger shots actually work? ›

“So ginger shots may help support a healthy immune system.” If you suffer from nausea or motion sickness, ginger shots should definitely be on your radar. According to a 2020 paper by American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology (or ACOG, for short), they're an acceptable non-pharmaceutical remedy.

Can ginger shots help you lose weight? ›

Adding Lemon Ginger shots to the daily routine can help in boosting metabolism and improving digestion. The reason why this drink helps in faster weight loss is due to the presence of vitamin C and compounds like zingerone and shogaols in ginger, which may help in better fat burning.

What is the ginger and apple shot good for? ›

This is a great recipe to use in the morning if you need an extra warming lift. It gives the immune system a boost and can give a little extra support to respiratory reactions such as hay fever and the change of seasons when pollen is at its height.

What are the cons of wellness shots? ›

Be aware of potential interactions: If you are taking any medications or have any medical conditions, it's essential to be aware of possible interactions with wellness shots. Some wellness shots may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions or those taking certain medications.

Do ginger and turmeric shots work? ›

Several promising studies have found that ginger and turmeric can have powerful effects on nausea, pain, inflammation, and immune function. However, evidence is lacking on the effects of the two used together, and much of the available research is limited to test-tube studies.

Who shouldn t drink ginger shot? ›

Pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with heart conditions, and people with diabetes should not take ginger without talking to their doctors. DO NOT take ginger if you have a bleeding disorder or if you are taking blood-thinning medications, including aspirin.

What happens when you drink ginger lemon and honey everyday? ›

All of these ingredients contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Lemon juice provides powerful digestive enzymes while ginger stimulates digestion. Honey has a natural scraping effect on the intestines (clearing away toxic build-up). In Ayurveda, the digestive fire is considered to be the cornerstone of health.

Does ginger burn belly fat fast? ›

It can help stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and improve overall digestion. By reducing bloating and improving digestive function, ginger may contribute to a flatter belly appearance, but it won't specifically target fat in that area.

Is it OK to take ginger shots everyday? ›

A daily ginger shot can make a great addition to any wellness routine but could also support daily weight management. Additionally, many find that a daily ginger shot helps them to better deal with everyday nausea or digestive upset.

Can you put too much ginger in a ginger shot? ›

They often include lemon or orange juice, as well as honey and spices, such as turmeric. Although there is limited research on the health benefits and safe dosage, a shot containing up to 4 grams of ginger is generally considered safe. However, doses larger than this may cause problems, such as bleeding.

Does ginger shot detox your body? ›

Ginger Has Powerful Antioxidants

In addition to gingerol, ginger contains paradols, sesquiterpenes, shogaols, and zingerone which have antioxidant properties that can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals in the body. That means ginger can help get rid of toxins and keep your body happy and healthy!

Are wellness shots worth the hype? ›

Bottom Line: Should You Take a Wellness Shot? If you're an already-healthy adult, there's not much harm that can come from incorporating a shot of juice and herbs or spices into your routine. But there's no proof that a wellness shot will improve your overall health or wellness.

What's the point of wellness shots? ›

Wellness shots are typically small, concentrated juices made from ingredients known to have beneficial nutrients and properties such as apple cider vinegar, turmeric and ginger. While they're meant to be a way to increase your nutrient uptake and improve your health, the science behind these claims can be scarce.

How often should you take a wellness shot? ›

If I do want to try immunity shots, how often should I drink them? Drinking one wellness shot every now and then isn't doing a ton for your health, said Zhu. To get the most health benefits from them, she recommends making them “a very regular part of your routine.” Think: Every few days or once a week.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.